Inside the Journey: One Artist's Relentless Pursuit of Earthen Beauty
We searched in vain for the white clay. Several other color options were exposed in the many stream banks surrounding Cortez and Mesa Verde, but none was white. After 3 days of hunting, we settled for a light buff colored clay, knowing it was not the correct choice, but we had other criteria to examine – paint and firing.

From a 10-year-old's Perspective: How Lane Caught His First Trophy Trout
Lane was persistent. "I got him up on the bank and right before I landed him I fell flat on my face. He kept trying to tug me down river. And the current and big old fish nearly took me down river."

Unforgettable Angling Adventures: Stories That Last a Lifetime
What's worse than the hours dragging by and not spotting a trout to remember? A very large brown trout swimming onto the scene, tantalizing you over and over.

How Duane Hada Turned His Art Hobby Into a Business
Growing up with a constant drive to create, fueled by an appreciation for beauty in nature, Duane couldn’t stop painting and drawing.
But his rural school didn’t offer any art classes and found himself relying on his own learning and experience to perfect his art skills. He could always be found drawing on the back of his test papers.

Unique Ozark & Ouachita Smallmouth Bass Were in Danger. Here's How Duane Hada Stepped up to Help Save Them & You Can Too!
In streams where it was once common to catch 100+ fish a day, it was now the norm for anglers to report 20-30 fish-catch days. They also found that the overall size of harvest fish had dropped drastically.

From Dream to Reality: How Mark Started His Fly-Tying Business
50 years ago, a father and son went out to fish on the Little Red River in Heber Springs. And from then on, Mark Rezanka embarked on a life-time adventure revolving around a love for fly fishing & fly-tying based on the experience his Dad gave him.

How to Engage Your Kids in the Great Outdoors: Where to Start
It doesn’t have to be fancy, just take your kids or grandkids to some of your favorite places and spend time with them. It will bring you and them great joy and allow you to teach them skills they’ll enjoy for the rest of their life.

Bringing Old Fish Art Traditions to Life
“I was headed up the White River one afternoon, meeting a long-time friend & river guide, Drew. We were going to do some streamer fishing and then later attend the streamer love fest at Dally’s fly shop.
My friend had already been fishing most of the day when I got there. There was just enough daylight left for me to get a few casts in before dark."

Your Invitation to Travel The World & Fish
I have lizard lips. The tops of my feet are the color and feel of two baked terracotta clay pots. The taste and smell of salt spray permeates everything it touches.
Yet, I feel this is paradise.

How To Choose The Fish Replica Right For You! Rivertown Gallery has what you've been looking for!
You've worked hard at fishing. You've put in the hours perfecting the art form. You are finally rewarded with landing a memorable fish! Congratulations! Now you want to preserve that hard work & beautiful fish. What's the best way to do that, you ask?
Fish replica, wood-carved fish, or a fish portrait?

Free the Fighter: Smallmouth Bass, Conservation, and Art
To me, the Smallmouth Bass is a symbol of the wild Ozarks and Ouachita mountains. We have two sub-species (the Neosho and Ouachita strains) of Smallmouth that are only found in this part of the world! And that’s worth preserving.

People who love to fish & paint, 1000 miles away
Among the busyness of the hustlers in Havana, one particular street artist caught my eye. His canvases seemed to be stretched from frames made of salvaged pallet boards & odd nails.

Trophy Fish Replicas and Their Stories
Recently, I was flyfishing down on the Little Red River at Heber Springs, I noticed a young couple fly fishing the area above me with good success. Then the young lady, Megan Gray, landed a magnificent fish, which I identified as a very large, male brook trout— a rare catch anywhere, and especially for that stretch of the river!