Free the Fighter: Smallmouth Bass, Conservation, and Art
What is your favorite fish?
For me, that answer is easy: the Smallmouth Bass.
I grew up catching Smallmouth in the Crooked Creek & Buffalo River. I’ve probably caught hundreds, if not thousands, of these fish in my lifetime. I’m never tired of them.
I love the habitat and personality of these fish—they’re amazing to catch. It’s a real challenge and you know that if you’ve ever caught one. They’ve always got a trick up their sleeve and you’ve never got them caught till you get your hands on them!
I also love the Smallmouth Bass because I helped the Game and Fish Commission develop the state-wide management plan for our streams that ensure we have a good habitat for Smallmouth Bass to thrive in.
And that only continues when anglers like you and I respect the fish and their habitat by honoring catch-and-release practices.
To me, the Smallmouth Bass is a symbol of the wild Ozarks and Ouachita mountains. We have two sub-species (the Neosho and Ouachita strains) of Smallmouth that are only found in this part of the world!
And that’s worth preserving.
I think almost every Arkansan has a passion for wildlife preservation. We love the Natural State and want to protect it for our wildlife, our enjoyment, and for generations to come.
As hunters, anglers, and outdoorsmen we all want to enjoy the challenge of an adventure.
But we also respect the wild and want to do our part in conserving & honoring our natural resources.
That’s why I make fish replicas. These timeless pieces of art capture the beauty and individuality of a fish—your fish—and preserve the excitement, the story, and the beauty of fish all while protecting our local wildlife from depletion.
Call me today and we can talk all things angling and fish replicas! (870) 425-3898.