Bringing You The
Ozarks On Canvas
As a working artist and passionate outdoorsman, I cannot think of any better place to live and work than my Ozark studio which is tucked away on a ridge close to the Buffalo River National Park. From this vantage point, I experience daily the wonders of the Natural State. I never have to look far or ponder long for inspiration.
As a native son of this rural landscape, I've become increasingly aware and protective of my corner of the planet and strive to keep the Ozark ecosystem the unique wild and beautiful place that defines who I am and what I paint. I feel great achievement when I paint from the passion of my own heart and others identify with my efforts to capture a special time and place. Many of my favorite representational watercolor or acrylic paintings depict an unspoiled land of unmatched natural beauty. My Ozarks. Quiet, intimate places that I know well. Places that upon visit immediately stir up the creative side of me and won't rest until painted.
As the Ozarks are discovered and continually change, I see my art bring an awareness and a desire to live compatibly with the rhythms of the Natural State.
Featured Originals:
Rivertown Gallery Services:
Replicas & Wood Carved Fish
Are you an angler? Duane specializes in detailed fish replicas for fishermen across the US. Got a photo of your best catch? Contact us for a replica and preserve your favorite fishing memories!
Commissioned Artwork
Your special memories, trout portraits, fly fishing adventures, favorite Ozark landscapes… it is all possible. And Duane isn’t limited to canvas. Click below to find out about customizable furniture & more!
Custom Murals
Art isn’t confined to a canvas. Got a wall? Indoors or outdoors, Duane can paint a custom mural for your home or business.
What Others Are Saying:
“I think [my Adirondack chairs] are absolutely beautiful, Duane. I used to own Lew’s fishing and I’ve always been a very avid Bass fisherman. I don’t do much fly fishing, but I’ve always loved to bass fish and [these chairs] are just beautiful and will fit right into the cabins we have there at the lake. Everyone’s gonna really enjoy them. Duane did a great job!”
Lynn Reeves
“I had a brown trout replica done by Duane, and also have a few canvases throughout my home…you will NOT find a better artist! Highly recommend! Rivertown Gallery is a hidden gem and great people [here] as well.”
Troy Tailor
“Great Job!!! My grandson, Abel, was SO SURPRISED, it’s a memory of a lifetime.
Thank You!!!”
“I have it on a really nice piece of redwood that I was given years ago. I was saving it for something special. This fish fits it perfectly and most of all has a very special memory attached to it. Thank you so much for such a beautiful cutthroat mount. You really did a GREAT job!!!”
Tim Bollinger
“I have Duane do all of my replica art he does a great job!“
Cranor’s White River Lodge